Editor's Corner
The editor of the newsletter is Ernie Wolfe. Clubs can submit their articles to me by e-mail, using attachments
text (.txt) or documents (.doc), Flyers by using .jpg or .gif formats or by mail my address is:
13121 Dove Creek Ln W.
San Angelo,TX 76904.
E-Mail: as479@juno.com
In an efofrt to plaese evreynoe I hvae icnldued mitskaes,
mispslelnigs and ohter odidteis for yuor plaesrue.
Ernie Wolfe
Editors Note:
To comment or send submissions click on
"E-Mail the Editor" on the main page. You may notice a lot of ads on these web pages, but I think that is a small inconvience for a free web page.
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