Minutes of the Westerners Board of Directors Meeting - March 29, 2008 – Eastland
Minutes of the Westerners Board of Directors Meeting - March 29, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by President Kathy Stevens with three elected officers present and two absent. Clubs represented were: A.A.S.R.D.A., Abilene Plus Roundup, Concho Squares, Diamond Twirlers, Goodtime Squares, Guys and Dolls, Key City Squares, Riptide Squares, The A Team, and Wagon Wheel Squares. We also had Officers present from the State Federation.
The minutes of the last regular Board of Directors meeting (February 2,2008) was read by Mary Stites and approved. Tony motioned, Stan 2nd)
Stan Wood submitted the treasures report - beginning balance $6877.20 and ending balance $7765.20. This was approved (Tony motioned, Carl 2nd)
Ernie Wolfe reported that we are sending out 50 copies of Footnotes this year as opposed to 34 copies last year.
Carl Schlinke stated that there is no provision in the by-laws addressing clubs who do not attend any meetings. There are some who have not sent a delegate to any meeting or dance this year. Sally mentioned that we are paying their dues with no participation and agreed there should be some provision for that.
Kathy reported that there were 2191 tickets sold for our fund raiser of a $500 gift card to Wal-Mart or Sams Club. $800.55 will go to Westerners and $832.55 to the Clubs participating.
The Westerners meeting scheduled for April 11th in Ozona is cancelled. The president of Levis & Lace, LeRoy Adcock, called Kathy to tell her that they didn't want Westerners there. He said that the last two years Westerners had come down for a meeting and had not paid for the meeting room After some discussion, Louis Stites made the motion that if Levis & Lace Club would furnish us with a statement or receipt for the room, then Westerns should reimburse them for that expense. Carl 2nd and motion carried. Stan said he knew LeRoy Adcock and if he could get a copy of a letter stating that we will reimburse Levis & Lace, he would like to take it to them and talk to them about the problem.
The May 18th dance will be in San Angelo - Diamond Twirlers will host dance.
The June 7th dance in Abilene will be the election dance. It was approved for it to be a Teen Scholarship dance to be called by Westerners Callers & Cuers. An Officer from the State answered some questions on the Teen Scholarship and how it works.
A nominating committee was appointed consisting of Carl & Pat Schlinke, Chairman, Louis and Mary Stites and Anna Johnson.
Carl Schlinke reported on the insurance should we decide at a later date to withdraw from the State Federation. AGI Insurance is the same carrier the State uses and for us to have liability insurance for 250 members, it would be $2.00 per member.
Vernon Jones did a very interesting presentation on BMIASCAP.
Tony made the motion to adjourn, Bill Gregg 2nd. Adjourned at 6:35 pm
Respectfully Submitted Mary Stites for Shirley Stephenson Secretary
The Westerners General Membership Meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by President Kathy Stevens.
The purpose of this meeting was to vote on the proposed amended by-laws for Westerners Association. Ballots were given to members and the by-laws passed 53 for and 3 against.
The drawing for the $500 gift card to Wal-Mart/Sams Club was held and the winner was Earl Foster.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm Respectfully submitted,
Mary Stites for Shirley Stephenson Secretary