President's Page

We had a good dance on March 29th in Abilene with Vernon Jones calling and Tony Speranzo cueing.
At our General Membership meeting we adopted our new By-laws. A copy will be made available to all clubs at our May 18th dance in San Angelo. The Diamond Twirlers will be hosting this dance at the Adult Daycare Center (Ernie...please insert the address) with Lem Gravelle calling and Diane Slater cueing. This should be a great dance.

We had 2 State officers visiting our dance on the 29th and 2 appointed officers. We hope they received an insight into our great Association and the cooperation of our members.

The nominating committee will be meeting to decide on a slate of officers for 2008-2009. Please be willing to serve if you are asked. The Chairman is Carl & Pat Schlinke and members are Mary & Louis Stites and Anna Johnson.

Our first fundraiser with the $500 gift card from Sams or Walmart was a success and raised $800 for the Westerners and all participating clubs made some much needed money. The top selling club was Concho Squares of San Angelo. The winner was Earl Foster of Abilene.....his ticket was sold by Wagon Wheel Squares.
Thank you for your participation.

We hope to see you all on May 18th in San Angelo.
Jerry & Kathy Stevens

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